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Refereed Journals

  1. Tee ES, Ng TKW and Chong YH (1979). Cholesterol content and fatty  acid composition of some Malaysian foods. Medical Journal of Malaysia 33:334-336.

  2. Tee ES and Rasad A (1979). Pangamic acid (vitamin B15). I.The actual  state of research. Journal  of  the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society 6(1):22-27.

  3. Tee ES and Rasad A (1979). Pangamic acid (vitamin B15). II. Structural studies of synthetic preparations. Journal of the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society 6(3&4): 33-43.

  4. Tee ES (1980). Advances in food technology and changes in food consumption patterns: examples from the Malaysian scene. Bulletin of the Public Health Society 14:24-29.

  5. Tee ES (1981). Analysis of nutrients in Malaysian foods: a review. Journal of the  Medical  and   Health  Laboratory Technology Malaysia 7(1):37-47.

  6. Chong YH, Tee ES, Ng TKW, Yap SB and Mok SK (1982). A study of the food and nutritional status of the armed forces. Medical Journal of Malaysia 37:46-51.

  7. Tee ES, Kandiah M, Jaafar A, Kandiah V, Mohd Rusli Z, Kuladevan R and Zulkafli H (1984). Nutritional anaemia in pregnancy: a study at the Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health 2(1):32-50.

  8. Tee ES (1985). Micro-computer analysis  of food consumption data using an  electronic  spreadsheet.  ASEAN Food Journal 1(3):143-145.

  9. Siti Mizura S,  Tee ES and Chong YH (1987). Lead content of selected Malaysian foods. ASEAN Food Journal 3(1):25-29.

  10. Tee ES,  Siti Mizura S, Kuladevan R, Young SI and Khor SC (1987). Nutrient composition of Malaysian marine fishes. ASEAN Food Journal 3:67-71.

  11. Tee ES, Young SI, Ho SK and Siti Mizura S (1988). Determination of vitamin C in fresh fruits and vegetables using the dye-titration and microfluorometric methods. Pertanika 11:39-44.

  12. Tee ES, Siti Mizura S, Anuar A, Kuladevan R, Young SI, Khor SC and Chin SK (1989). Nutrient composition of selected cooked and processed snack foods. Pertanika 12(1):15-25.

  13. Tee ES, Siti Mizura S and Khor SC (1989). Determination of calcium in foods by the atomic absorption spectrophotometric and titrimetric methods. Pertanika 12(3):303-311.

  14. Tee ES, Siti Mizura S and Khor SC (1989). Determination of iron in foods by the atomic absorption spectrophotometric and colorimetric methods. Pertanika 12(3):313-322.

  15. Tee ES, Siti Mizura S, Kuladevan R, Young SI, Khor SC and Chin SK (1989). Nutrient composition of Malaysian freshwater fishes. Proc. Nutr. Soc. Mal. 4:63-73.

  16. Khor GL, Tee ES and Kandiah M (1990). Patterns of food production and consumption in the ASEAN region. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics 61:1-40.

  17. Tee ES, Khor SC and Kuladevan R (1990). High-pressure liquid chromatography - a powerful tool for the analysis of carotenoids in vegetables and fruits. Malaysian Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences 7:59-68.

  18. Siti Mizura S, Tee ES and Ooi HE (1991). Determination of boric acid in foods: comparative study of three methods. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture  55:261-268.

  19. Tee ES and Lim CL (1991). The analysis of carotenoids and retinoids: a review. Food Chemistry 41:147-193.

  20. Tee ES and Lim CL (1991). Carotenoid composition and content of Malaysian Vegetables and Fruits by the AOAC and HPLC Methods. Food Chemistry 41:309-339.

  21. Ong ASH and Tee ES (1992). Natural sources of carotenoids from plants and oils. Methods in Enzymology, 213:142-167.

  22. Tee ES and Lim CL (1992). Re-analysis of Vitamin A Values of Selected Malaysian Foods of Animal Origin by the AOAC and HPLC Methods. Food Chemistry 45:289-296.

  23. Tee ES (1992). Carotenoids and retinoids in human nutrition. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 31(1/2):103-163.

  24. Tee ES and Lim CL (1992). Analysis of carotenoids in vegetables by HPLC. ASEAN Food Journal 7(2):91-99.

  25. Tee ES (1994). Analytical considerations in nutrition labelling. ASEAN Food Journal, 9(3): 93-100.

  26. Tee ES, Lim CL and Chong YH (1994). Carotenoid profile and retinol content in human serum - simultaneous determination by HPLC. Int. J. Fd. Sci. Nutrition, 45:147-157.

  27. Tee ES (1995). The medical importance of carotenoids (with particular reference to developing countries) and their determination. Mal J Nutr, 1:179-230.

  28. Tee ES, Goh AH and Khor SC (1995). Carotenoid composition and content of legumes, tubers and roots. Mal J Nutr, 1:63-74.

  29. Tee ES and Khor SC (1995). Simultaneous determination of retinol, carotenoids and tocopherol in human serum by high pressure liquid chromatography. Mal J Nutr, 1:151-170

  30. Ng TKW, Tee ES & Azriman R (1995). Rural communities in nutritional transition: emergence of obesity, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia as public health problems in three kampungs in Bagan Datoh, Perak. Mal J Nutr, 1:129-139.

  31. Tee ES, Lim CL and Chong YH (1996). A study of the biological utilization of carotenoids in carrot and swamp cabbage in rats. Food Chem 56(1):21-32. .

  32. Khor SC and Tee ES (1996). Development of a HPLC method for the simultanenous determination of several B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Mal J Nutr, 2:49-65.

  33. Tee ES and Khor SC (1996). Simultaneous determination of B-vitamins and ascorbic acid in multi-vitamin preparations by reversed-phase HPLC. Mal J Nutr, 2:176-194.

  34. Chee HL, Khor GL and Tee ES (1997). Nutritional assessment of rural villages and estates in Peninsular Malaysia. I. Socio-economic profile of households. Mal J Nutr, 3:1-19.

  35. Khor GL and Tee ES (1997). Nutritional assessment of rural villages and estates in Peninsular Malaysia. II. Nutritional status of children aged 18 years and below. Mal J Nutr, 3:21-47.

  36. Ng TKW, Teh CB,  Vidyadaran MK, Tee ES, Thong ML, Kandiah M and Khalid H (1997). A critical evaluation of high density lipoprotein cholesterol as an index of coronary artery disease risk in Malaysians. Mal J Nutr 3:61-70.

  37. Tee ES (1998). Current status of recommended dietary allowances in Southeast Asia: a regional overview. Nutrition Reviews, 56(4): S10-S18.

  38. Ng TKW, Khor SC, Tee ES, Thong ML and Seow TY (1998). Serum tocopherol, retinol and carotenoid profiles of coronary artery disease patients versus healthy controls. Int J Med Res 2(1): 43-47.

  39. Abu Bakar S & Tee ES (1998). Nutrition and the Malaysian Healthy Lifestyle Programme: challenges in implementation. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 7(3/4): 230-237.

  40. Zamaliah MM, Mohd Nasir MT, Khor GL, Tee ES (1998). Socio-economic determinants of nutritional status of children in rural peninsular Malaysia.  Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 7(3/4): 307-310.

  41. Tee ES, Khor GL, Ng TKW, Zaitun Y, Chee HL & Safiah MY (1998). Prevalence of anaemia in rural villages and estates in Peninsular Malaysia. Mal J Nutr 4(1&2):1-29.

  42. Ng TKW and Tee ES (1998). Replacing coconut santan with palm oil santan: impact on dietary C12-C16 saturated fatty acids, serum total cholesterol and cardiovascular risk. Mal J Nutr 4(1&2):65-72.

  43. Sakamoto M, Ishii S, Kashiwazaki H, Chiu PC, Chen CM, Chang NS, Leung SF, Rabuco LB, Tee ES, Winarno WG, Tontisirin K, Howden J & Saldanha LG (1998). A collaborative study of nutritional knowledge, attitudes and food practices among urban adults in the Asian region: methodology and some preliminary findings. Aust J Nutr Diet 55:S14-S15.

  44. Tee ES, Kandiah M, Narimah A, Chong SM, Satgunasingam N, Kamarudin L, Milani S, Dugdale AE, Viteri FE (1999). School-administered weekly iron/folate supplements improve hemoglobin and ferritin levels of Malaysian adolescent girls. Am J Clin Nutr 69:1249-1256.

  45. Khor GL, Azmi MY, Tee ES, Kandiah M, Huang MSL (1999). Prevalence of overweight among Malaysian adults from rural communities. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 8(4): 272-279.

  46. Tee ES (1999). Nutrition of Malaysians: where are we heading ? Mal J Nutr 5(1&2):87-109.

  47. Tee ES and Khor SC (1999). Simultaneous determination of retinol and -tocopherol by high pressure liquid chromatography in microvolumes of serum. Mal J Nutr 5(1&2):21-30.

  48. Florentino R, Tee ES and Poh BK (1999). Report of a seminar and workshop on food-based dietary guidelines and nutrition education: bridging science and communication. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 8(4): 291-299.

  49. Ng TKW, Khor GL, Tee E Siong ES and Normah H (2000). Nutritional assessment of rural villages and estates. Total blood cholesterol values in children, adolescents and adults. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr  9(2):115-121.

  50. Tee ES (2000). Labelling, nutrition and health claims: what's happening in Southeast Asia ? Food Australia 52(6): 249-251.

  51. Khor GL, Voon PC, Tee ES, Hsu-Hage BH, Wahlqvist ML (2000). Cardiovascular risk factors among Malaysian urban vegetarians. J Community Nutr 2(2): 110-118.

  52. Tee ES, Tamin S, Ilyas R, Romos A, Tan WL, Lai DKS, Kongchuntuk H (2002). Current Status of Nutrition Labelling in the Southeast Asia Region – Are We in Harmony? Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 11(2): S80-S86.

  53. Zamaliah MJ, Kandiah M, Khor GL, Tee ES (2002). Socioeconomic profile and nutritional status of children in rubber smallholdings. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 11(2): 133-141.

  54. Tee ES (2002). Nutrition labelling and claims: concerns and challenges; experiences from the Asia Pacific Region. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 11(S6): S215-S223.

  55. Tee ES (2002). Obesity in Asia: prevalence and issues in assessment methodologies. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 11(S8): S694-S701

  56. Tee ES. (2002) Priority nutrition concerns in Asia. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 23(4): 345-348.

  57. Tee ES, Khor SC, Ooi HE, Young SI, Zakiyah O, Zulkafli H (2002). Regional study of nutritional status of urban prinary schoolchildren. 3. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Food Nutr Bull 23(1):41-47.

  58. Yim HS, Khor GL, Zalilah MS, ES Tee, Wan Manan WM (2003). Effects of weekly multiple micronutrient supplementation on growth and morbidity of undernourished Malaysian iinfants. Asian-Oceanian J Pediatrics Child Health 2(1): 22-33.

  59. Vorster HH, Fats and oils: towards more specific quantitative and qualitative guidelines for South Africans ? S Afr Med J (being reviewed)

  60. Foo LH, Khor GL, Tee ES, Dhanaraj P (2004). Iron status and dietary iron intake of adolescents from a rural community in Sabah, Malaysia. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 13(1): 48-55.

  61. Foo LH, Khor GL, Tee ES, Dhanaraj P (2004). Determinants of iron status in Malaysian adolescents from a rural community. Int J Fd Sci Nutr 55(6): 517-525.

  62. Foo LH, Khor GL, Tee ES, Dhanaraj P (2006). Dietary intake of adolescents in a rural fishing community in Tuaran District, Sabah. Mal J Nutr 12(1): 11-21.

  63. Norimah AK, Nik Shanita NS, Safiah MY, Norazliana MN, Zawiah A & Tee ES (2008). Nutrition knowledge among Malaysian elderly. J Sains Kesihatan Malaysia 6(2): 43-54.